How important is SEO?

Anyone have the stats on SEO? How important is it? And any tutorials on it?

SEO is really important. There are many tutorials on SEO. You can search on YouTube and you will find a lot of videos related to SEO.

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Thank you so much for such a thoughtful, articulate answer. This helps me tremendously. I have much so content and have to get it to the proper audiences. I will take the time to watch some videos to figure out how to do my SEO the right way.
Since I have several that are somewhat related content I am going to link them together. Also I do news stories and I see many people write their stories and then may link one word to an original news source.

Example : The president was in the news today it was reported that he was late to the meeting.
In this sentence word " reported" would then be highlighted and linked to someplace like

You’ve given me much to think about :slight_smile: Thank you so much.

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SEO is marketing. If you have created a website you wish that someone will visit your website and read your content. For this the people you want to read your content should find the content. People can only find the content if the website will be listed in the search engine result pages (SERP). Here it is important that your site appears on the 1st SERP, ideally on one of the top positions. A content that will not be found in the SERPs will get lost because nobody will find the content.

To avoid this you have to follow some rules, these rules are defined by SEO. But you should know that a lot of people will tell a lot of rubbish about SEO and you can waste a lot of money for these guys. SEO (so called white hat SEO) is clean or clear handcrafting and not a number of dirty tricks.

RapidWeaver offers a lot of sections where you can do the optimisation by yourself but one of the most important things is to offer perfect and interesting content and follow the guidelines of good usability


Hi @VenusRising

As mentioned earlier, and I’ll re-iterate, SEO is very important. It provides a means for search engines to understand your site and how it relates to other content.

I have started a help section covering a variety of SEO topics on SEO-Rx help.




Found reading some of the replies really interesting I’m a novice when it comes to most aspects of SEO. In recent years I’ve always gone by the mantra that content is king which I still believe but have neglected some fairly basic aspects of SEO.

For example adding File Names and Alt Tags to images only recently did I realise the importance of this (and how easy it is to add these things in Rapidweaver). I’m sure there are other solutions out there but I’d recommend SEO-Rx by Chillidog:


I am going to get foundation as soon as I can. I see what it does and I’m ready for it. Now all I need is to win the lottery :slight_smile: But seriously I have been watching everyone else and it seems so wonderful ! The thing is I would then have to get started rebuilding . I am siting on many sites that need it but I’ve been busy doing content right now.

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I was going to start SEO but I thought I had better get good content in first. I am doing lots and lots of writing.
I think the content is spot on to have. Most of my sites have products but I think the content is important as well.

You’re quite right, @VenusRising. Good content is essential.


Not sure how appropriate this recent article is to you:

As a technical guide to SEO I found it both comprehensive, and (unsurprisingly) very technical. I’m sure there are better qualified people than me here who could critique the relevance of the topics covered, but one thing it did highlight to me is how much I still have to learn…

However, even as a technical guide it has this statement right at the start:

“Content is, as always, still king. It doesn’t matter how technically OK your site is, if the content isn’t up to snuff, it won’t do you much good.”




You are right, content first. But content that nobody will find because of lacking technical SEO or bad usability of your site is worthless. There are some basic rules you should follow. And fortunately it is easy to do this in RapidWeaver


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I really liked this as a very comprehensive and well presented summary of SEO and the importance of content [5 Reasons Why Fresh Content is Critical for Your Website and SEO](http://5 Reasons Why Fresh Content is Critical for Your Website and SEO)

And I’ve really got interested in the amazing range of (free) SEO resources and information at Moz

Building a website without seo, is like opening a shop in the middle of Australia and expecting your next door neighbour ( If you live in the Uk or US ) to find it randomly whilst out doing their shopping in town
Depending on how you want your site to be found - if it’s regional - your area - research local SEO - it will be much more specific. Plus will work alot better for you. The results will be quicker to.

I just recently implemented SEO Helper (avail from WeaversSpace, Joe Workman’s stack, around 40 to 50 dollars if I remember right)… and my site jumped up from being on the second page of Google results for my keywords, to the first page slot #3… a big improvement… I’m WAY more visible now to people looking for my stuff… that is the result of doing SEO… you rank higher… otherwise, you end up on one of the many pages of results returned…

@leigh @DasGoravani I hope you noticed is a 4year old post.

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@teefers I am challenged, I’ll skip “how” here, but I am… hard to see everything, now that you point it out, and now that I see it, I am LOL at myself, oh well

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Oh I’ll talk to anyone who might listen :slight_smile: