Which grid stack is are you using? Most grid stacks have setting that control how the content is displayed on model devices. Usually, by default, they stack the three columns into a single column. The content from columns two and three are usually below column one.
The Grid stacks included with Stacks is pretty basic and doesn’t have settings for adjusting the display on mobile. You’ll probably need a more advanced grid stack where you can set different cell widths on mobile, tablet and desktop.
You can Google for “rapidweaver grid stacks” and find quite a few available. I’ve used AdaptiveGrid quite a bit.
tnx, just did that and it works. But I seem to have no freedom in making a division. Now there four items in the first column and two below. I’d rather have 3 and 3 on the desktop
Not sure what stack you are using.
You could just take two of the delivered 3-column stacks. One on top of the other. Then set them to stack on either mobile or tablet.
Looks like you’re using iFrames for the content. And the sample URL has only Five areas so you could use a 3-column followed by a 2-column.