I have a huge problem with my blog and i have used Amarillo Which Will NOT work on my new site but it Works on my old site. It Will NOT show content and i have tried all.
So i have seen a Google blog but i Cant Really get it to work Antonse who Can help me why it Does NOT work in RW ?
Is Nimblehost - the author of Armadillo - not able to help? I’ve heard their support is excellent if you haven’t tried that route yet.
The only Google blog I know of is Blogger. It is possible to include a Blogger blog in your Rapidweaver site using a plugin called RapidBlog but although that’s working fine on a few of my sites I don’t think that Yourhead (which now owns RapidBlog) is planning to develop it any further. @isaiah will be along I’m sure and give you chapter and verse.
Does it have to be a Google blog though? The Tumblr blog is free, works well and can be added to a RW site using either Will Woodgate’s free MicroBlog stack or Joe Workman’s Tumblr stack.
Yes Jonathan have been very helpful and none of us understand why the content is Gone from my computer and phone i Cant see the content but he Can Which is Strange and i tried to deactivate java Which dont give any meaning since i Cant see anything then.
I Like to use armadillo but since i Cant get it to work i need to try something Else
So i just need something to make sure we Can put news on our website and i have rapidblog but it sont work anyway
The Stack has many options, clicking the title or ‘Read More’ can be set to open in a new tab keeping your original website page open - for just a few Euros it could be worth a try to keep your blog displayed on your website.
Another reason to love this forum. I bought News Grid in a bundle a few years back and have never used it. This stack will be perfect for an upcoming project. Cheers @DaveFox