Anybody serious about blogging will quickly outgrow the limitations of the blog page that is built into RW.
Further, it seems like serious bloggers want many of the features already built into WordPress, but would like to connect their WP blogs to their RW built website. SeyDesign had a similar solution for use with Google’s Blogger. That SeyDesign plugin was/is called RapidBlog and was recently acquired by YourHead Software. The problem with that solution is that Blogger is way behind the curve in terms of blog features and so is RapidBlog. Both RapidBlog and Blogger are out of date and out of sync.
There is a little known plug in for WP called WP-Blog (, but since it has not been update in several years, the writing is on the wall for that plugin. Further, I have seen many complain that support for WP-Blog is hard to come by.
I also realize that Total CMS, BlueBall, and Armadillo all offer some pretty sweet blogging capabilities, but they still cannot rival the features and ubiquity of WP blogs. In my humble opinion, each of those products are great solutions in the WordPress/RapidWeaver vacuum.
I am likely missing something here, but I don’t understand why no-one with RW/Stacks knowhow has not created a RW/WP plugin. This seems like a no-brainer to me. I had hoped that YourHead would add WP functionality to RapidBlog once they acquired it, but there is nothing to imply that will be the case.
So, for me and many other users I have read about over in WeaversSapce, the various Goggle groups and here on the RealMac forum, I cannot understand why this has not been done. Any ideas so that I can put this nagging question to rest?
Thanks a million.