I would like to put an image and maybe two lines of text next to it (not above, not below). The closest I came to doing it was to put in a grid with 2 columns on the page, put containers in each grid column, then put the image in one, and typography in the other but I was not able to resize the equal-sized grid columns in which they showed. Any suggestions?
If you tell both containers to act as grid items you should be able to do that. Another option would be to use flex, which seems the way to go for such a simple layout.
You can easily do that with a flex (once you know how). Here’s a quick video showing the process…
Let me know if you get stuck or need more help with it.
@tilter I have just put together a short tutorial on building a two column layout (included below), it’s also available in the manual.
Hope you find it useful, and do let me know if you have any questions.
Dan, your tutorials were just what I needed. Thank you very much. When pumpkin/Flynn wrote, “if you tell both containers to act as grid items you should be able to do that,” I didn’t know how that could be done. Now I know, thanks to your responses, and can proceed. My problems may be simple, but that’s where I am as a beginner. Thanks again.
That’s great. Do let me know if there’s any other type of layout you need help with!
Thanks. I could use help for a couple of problems I am having.
- Below some introductory text and pictures (a banner?), I want 4 thematic items in a row (like in flex columns). When one of the themes is clicked/highlighted, I want the contents of that theme to follow after the introductory text and pictures/banner. Same for the other 3 items when any other is highlighted. How can I make this happen?
- I would like to mark the above mentioned items, and the sections (more precisely headers) of their contents, as nested navigation items so they will show up in the navigation menu. (Some of these contents will be long texts with pictures, and I don’t want to create new pages.) How can I mark these thematic columns, and sections/headers of their content as nested navigation items?
I’m not 100% sure on what you want. Do you have a screenshot or a website you could point me to so I can see what you’re trying to build?
I get the Impression you want something like a Tab Element that shows the content of the tabs above the tabs instead of below?
Thanks for responding Fynn! Yes, something like a tab element sounds like what I want. No, not above the tabs but below them. When a tab is clicked, I want its content to flow down below it. Sorry for not being clearer about this.
Also, some of these tab-element contents will be long, and I would like to mark its sections, more precisely subheaders, as nested navigation menu items, if possible. I learned to create navigation items by creating new pages and nesting new pages, but I don’t know how to do this without creating new pages, or if this is at all possible.
It will be possible if the team decides to provide such an extra menu. I’m pretty sure though that you can create such a navigation with a list of links and the usage of anchors.
Showing and hiding content like an Accordion is planned, but not available just yet.
Maybe upvote this suggestion if that’s what you’re after!
I tried to upvote this suggestion. Was asked to sign-in. I gave my email address. Did not receive any email with code.