HTTPS issue on homepage only

Can anyone shed any light onto why my site’s homepage isn’t displaying as fully secure?
I duplicated the RW page, renamed the folder to test and uploaded it to and the duplicate page fine, as is the rest of the site.
I was expecting to have to trim away at the content until it became fully secure, but it was fine from the start.
But when the same page is set in RW as the homepage it won’t show me the coveted green padlock in Firefox.
I deleted the htaccess file, not sure why really just thought I’d have a go, and it didn’t help.
Not sure where to go next.
RW doesn’t add anything to the homepage that would cause any issue does it?



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Scott, you’re an absolute star.
It looks like it was the Infinite Scroll stack from weaveraddons pointing to a gif on a non-secure site.
Not sure if Weaveraddons is still going though. I’ll dig through the source code and change it.
Thanks for your help


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