Hi All, i have Footer in a 3 column stack with several headers and links i would also like the text colours, font size and background color to be different to the themes default color/size
I have several CCS stacks, including JW’s CSS Box and a few others, but i have to admit i am stuck, i cant recall what i have to type into the stack and the Page inspector/HTML Code/CSS space.
I think mainly my trouble is knowing/remembering/understanding what the terms Class and ID mean and where they should be used.
sorry buddy, i havent dared to publish it yet, but if you insist i can give it a go, afterall it is no doubt easier for you chaps to help me with it published
I know how that is, but really we can’t help without knowing at least what theme you’re using. Some themes have specific settings for footer colors. But yes it would be much easier to help if we could see the page.
I am using Nick Cates Lunar theme, initially i didnt like the Menu, so i managed to disable that easy enough, i will eventually use the “overlay menu” from 1LD
I got the idea of using this page as a basis for my current project, including the footer LOL http://tinyurl.com/l9mku45
Not sure if there are controls for footer font size and background color, but if there are it’s always good to use the theme option controls. After checking the theme options maybe you can republish and we can take it from there?
Hi Tim,
As @thang says - try setting it in the theme first.
However if you want the footer links different from the other page links and because they are in Paragraph Pro stacks you can set the Style setting to Custom you can define the link colours (normal and when hovered).
If you want them all to be the same, you could just make a partial of a P Pro stack and use it for all the ones in the footer. Same goes for the text sizing if you want that different (in the Type Setting settings group).
Thank you @Elixir Adam, yeah i found the options easy enough.
But now, what i see in RW is different to what i have in my browser LOL.
I have done the basic things, like deleting the file via FTP, checked it isnt PHP and republished and refreshed several times, but still they are different ! when they should be the same !
I may still need to use CSS because i think the heading should be Bold for example and i fancy a gradient for the background
Thanks Adam, you are spot on, i just cleared Browsing Data and i have the correct version of the page, THANKS. i would have thought that simply RELOADING would have been sufficient.
You’re changing the background of something placed inside the footer section of the theme. You’re not changing the footer itself there. The footer itself is changed with the settings I showed above.