I want my Blueball Freestack responsive navigation layout to activate on all tablets, landscape AND portrait but it’s not working on the landscape, help please

Hi all,

my page is here: http://stormtempweb.com/stormnew/test-header/

I want my desktop navigation buttons and header to look as it does currently, but I’m also using a Blueball Freestack ‘hide/show’ stack so that in the mobile stack a different simpler responsive navigation format will take over when viewing on a tablet. (you can see it working currently).

I’m aware that using graphics instead of html for navigation isn’t recommended by techy gurus, but as graphic designers we are always looking to push the design, especially in this area which is usually very restricted visually.

My issue is that currently I can’t seem to set the breakpoint to work correctly.
I want the breakpoint to activate when you are looking on any LANDSCAPE tablet, not only on the portrait. I thought the breakpoint was about 768pixels.
I’ve set the breakpoint to be 800 so that anyone looking on an ipad in a landscape format will automatically see the responsive navigation layout but it’s still showing the desktop version.

What should my breakpoint be to catch all landscape tablet viewers?

Thanks in advance for your help on this :slight_smile: