Identifying a missing stack

I have a problem with a very old project, build with RW 5. There is a warning that there is a missing stack, I click on the info button but that only leads me to Rapidweavercommunity Stacks Page

In the source code of the published website I looked for some information but I cannot find the information about the installed stacks. Maybe someone can help me identifying the stacks this website uses:


This is the only stack reference I can see - DooBox Chauffeur stack.

I think you would be better off starting from scratch with a more up to date version of RW and stacks :slight_smile:

I know. But it is not my website. It is a project a customer build by DIY

Good luck with that. The site isn’t responsive so of no use on a small device such as a phone and the chauffeur stack looks to be obsolete now :wink:

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