Image Compression?- not by RapidWeaver-

(RW8, Stacks, Foundry)

Hi and good day,

Was reading older threads such as:

Squash 2 for Mac Launch Offer — Compress your images for faster loading websites!

Just to make sure I got this one right:

So RW’s down-sizing of an image for smartphones & tablets doesn’t affect the file load KB only the viewed ‘canvas-size’, … only 1 picture will be loaded?
The user still has to compress the images himself?

I know of other webbdesign apps (Sparkle app) which actually produce different instances of one image for responsiveness.

What about RW?


with best regards,

Omar KN

Stockholm, Sweden

RealMac makes both RapidWeaver and Squash for MacOS. They are separate products. Squash is an easy to use Image Compression product and doesn’t do anything with “resizing” the images, but simply makes them smaller in file size.
There’s other products that can be used to “crop and resize” images including the built in preview application in macOS.

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