Insert page stack?


I used to work with Blocks in the past, which had a block that allowed to insert an entire page into a block, allowing you to layout your entire page but enclosing a page like a collage page (which I really like as a picture gallery page) somewhere on your page.
For several reasons I prefer to work with Stacks, but does a similar stack exist, allowing to embed a page in your existing stack page ?


this feature is built into Stacks. you don’t need to add whole pages (which come with lots of other undesirable baggage). in stacks you create a “partial” page by selecting a specific stack or group of stacks and bundling them up inside a partial.

a partial then appears in your library and can be used on many different pages.

PlusKit and Blocks both allowed for some more interesting combinations – like injecting a Blog into a Photo Gallery, etc. But in allowing so much it also tends to come with many problems too. e.g. Blogs don’t like to have other Blogs put inside of them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In Stacks most people add complex content-blocks (like blogs and galleries) by using 3rd party stacks. There are stacks available for tons of things – way way more than just the handful of RW page styles. Then share those content-blocks across many pages using partials.

In that way you can do all the same sorts of things you could do in Blocks and PlusKit, but with MANY more possibilities, and in very safe and efficient way.

If you’d like to know more about partials you can visit the Stacks page: the video about partials is mid way down the page. You click to view.

Hi SteveB and Isaiah,

Thanks for the feedback. Partials is a great feature and I will surely use it in the future, but PlusKit indeed does the trick for me in this case as I can insert it on a collage page.
Thanks a lot for helping me out !


i strongly urge you to find a collage-like gallery stack instead (there are so many to choose from!!!). even though it means you are using two fewer of my products, i think you will build far better pages, and that’s what’s really important.


I will consider it, thanks !