A local Subaru dealership has reached out to me for a website and has asked that there be an interactive page that lets you build your own car model. I’ve been looking through the forumn and online for a plugin or solution that would allow me to do this. Does anyone know of anything or have any tips that might aid me in this endeavor? One of my highest paying jobs to date and I’d hate to have to turn it down or disappoint.
Maybe something like this? But I don’t know if this can be integrated with RW…
Are you after a filter be be able to choose car colour/trim/wheels/accessories etc?
I don’t think there is anything specific but there are loads of filter stacks of varying complexity.
Poster stack is great multi purpose stack that can handle filters and layouts.
The examples are with Poster and Cart2 stack but you wouldn’t have to have prices or a checkout.
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