Introducing the StackMe Stack

First Realese in 2018.

It’s about centering (and positioning top, center, bottom, left, center, right) vertically and horizontally (within viewport or a div) and organising your content in an easy way… with option to adjust when breakpoint is reached. And of course – like always – there’s an option to add custom css if needed.

That’s – by the way – what I will focus on in 2018: Speeding up WebDesign.


The Stack Me Stack and the Center Stack are somehow similar, but the Stack Me Stack does it with less code = loads faster.It’s faster to work with.The Stack Me Stack take advantage of css flexbox to do the job in a simpler way: A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks


Hi, @defligra, how does this stack differ from your own older Center stack?

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