Is RapidCart Pro Advanced 4 GDPR compliant?

Is RapidCart Pro Advanced 4 GDPR compliant?

Are there any cookies left behind from its functioning on my website that need removed to be GDPR compliant?

Thank you all sooo much!!

As any e-commerce systems, RapidCart Pro saves customer details for each transactions.
No credit card details are stored.
RapidCart Pro is GDPR compliant as long as your website and database are.

Great! I’m glad to hear that and appreciate your prompt responses. :slight_smile:

Do you happen to have made a privacy statement/GDPR statement for RapidCart Pro?
If so, I want to link it to my Privacy Statement.
If not, I’ll skip it.

I suggest you to rely on an external service like
Once you generate your policy you can link it in the disclaimer your customer must accept at checkout.

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