Is the overlapping components feature in elements?

At one point there was a dev diary about how you can stack elements on top of each other and I was wondering if that is already in the current version of elements or if if will make its way in soon? The way the feature was shown had a nice spin on the way it currently works in foundry where you could move it up and down the layers like you would in a graphics app.

I’ve been using overlapping a lot more in some of my newer sites and I am thinking that one of my first elements sites, where I am making the site from scratch, may use that feature extensively.

We’re just doing a huge overhaul of our components and a lot of them will have built-in support for Translate.

This will allow you move an element on the page, such as allowing you to overlap a graphic etc. I think this should od what you want.


Awesome! I was trying to find the video you did that showed off this feature but there are a lot of videos to comb through. Really looking forward to trying that out when it is released!

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