Overlapping element descriptor titles and the way they block the content

One of the things I wanted to bring up in my initial review was that the labels on the elements themselves tend to overlap the others as you work on it (but the review was already getting pretty long so I wanted to split it in two.) One of my thoughts was that you could organize it by breadcrumb path and then before I could write a post about that it was added to one of the betas! (except down near the bottom of the window.)

While that is a good place for it to go and greatly aids in telling a part the different elements the way those labels keep blocking each other I find it annoying and hard to work with. If the descriptor was right above the element like a tab in a browser is right above the webpage then it might only cover the element which is above it but that would probably be okay since I wouldn’t be working with that element anyways.

It might need to overlap when working with an element which as at the very absolute top of the page but other then that the overlapping labels just make it too hard to work with.

This was discussed and noted in the early betas and (I believe) they’re working on alternative display options.

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Oh good! I don’t read many of the long threads here on elements but that is good to know.

Yup, we’re going to add an option/toggle in the editor to hide the labels!

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A toggle could be helpful especially as a shortcut key. Can I also have the label there but just out the way? If putting it above overlaps an element that isn’t the focus (either by being selected or hovered over) then that would be fine with me for the most part. I just want it to be out of the way of where I placed the focus.