I’d like to pay for some expertise from an experienced RW site builder.
I have a large page count (1150 urls) site built with a PC authoring tool that I cannot use any longer as I have exceeded its page capacity although I am well below its claimed limit (unlimited pages; revised to 10,000 pages… software developer still can’t solve after 4 months of trying).
In reviewing my options I think RW may be the solution to switch to.
I have zero experience with RW - I have watched the tutorials for RW and also Stacks and Foundry.
I would like to have a zoom call with someone who has experience with RW where we can share desktops and I can go through the design elements of the current site and the they can explain how to duplicate it in RW - recommending appropriate addons, plugins, themes, etc. to achieve the site duplication.
The time spent would be well worth it for me to come up to speed quicker and to use the correct elements of the various addons, plugins, etc to achieve the goal.
Very happy to pay for the time and expertise. I’m on Eastern time zone but free anytime of day or night to do this.
Thank you,