Major Problem with 7.5.1

Hi There,
Just installed RW 7.5.1. Now in Preview mode, every page on my site is showing that page’s version of this message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘%’ in /private/var/folders/2v/g7blmh_96g31j_5xww8480tc0000gp/T/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaver/RapidWeaver/12904/document-0x6080003f5e00/RWDocumentPagePreview/page-5/index.php on line 910

Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea how to resolve? There is six months of content in this site.

I’m not sure what’s causing that issue, but in the meantime, you could download 7.5 and install that version to see if the problem is solved for now.