Membership / login

I want visitors to my website sign up to create an account, or existing members to login to their access their account. how can that be done in rapid weaver

Have you tried searching before posting your question? This has been answered many times, see the results here

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Start (and end) with this one. Sitelok is the solution you’re probably looking for. It’s awesome.

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Another thumbs up for Sitelok (Vibralogix) from me… it is straightforward to implement, rock solid, highly customisable and the support is the best I have ever experienced.

Another thumbs up for Sitelok!

Two thumbs up, great flexible software from Vibralogix

Add my vote, too. SiteLok is incredibly impressive.

Sitelok is amazing - Adrian is a top chap

If you are looking for something simpler, we also have Members and Members Pay Widgets:

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