OK, I have unchecked Hide This Stack… I had tried 3 different themes.
iPhone and iPad just not working for the stacks!
my web site is www.tokibuildings.ca I have worked for this for 3 days not getting any result. It is so frustrating. Is anybody has this issue and successfully solve the problem?
Not sure if I understand what you’re asking.
What is or isn’t displaying on mobile? What stack?
It is RWML from Stacks, I had tried the third theme stills not display text page 2,3,4, from mobile device!
I have to refresh page then to display current language on my desktop…
What should it show? Even on Desktop, I don’t see anything on the page other than the menu on the footer.
that is why have to refresh to get display on desktop, also click into about page has the same thing I have to refresh to get content. Mmmm… Basically there is nothing in mobile device! like that
After refresh homepage will be like this
If i add https:// to the beginning, it seems to load everything on the first go. I’m not sure what problem that would be getting at though.
So, this as your link: https://tokibuildings.ca
Thank you I had just tried to click the https:// I got
I think this is RWML problem from the Stacks…
Yeah, I’m not sure…
When I start with that https link (on mobile and on desktop), it loads your title and slogan on the first try (and I can switch languages). Then, when I click to one of the about pages, that works as well (and keeps the language selected).
it works when I refresh the page at desktop, my iPhone stills has no content.
I had checked the contact page, that is the one I used without the Stacks and it works fine…
I guess I have to go back to traditional way get many sub-domain to like it… Thank you!
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