Mobile phone in portrait mode

I have an issue on my mobile phone in portrait mode (see picture). On the right side, there is a white area. In landscape mode, everything is fine. Is this something I did wrong, or is it a bug in Elements?

I htink this is usually becuase you have a fixed width set on a container or images, something is stopping the content from resizing like it should.

If you share your project, I can take a look for you!

@dan Can I send you a message?

Send it over via email!

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Got the project, thanks!

Having trouble seeing the issue locally. Have you publishined theis online anywhere? Are you only seeing the issue on your iPhone? Can you share the URL with me so I can test on my Phone?

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See new email.

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Ah-ha, I’ve located the issue!

It’s becuase the title text in the banner is too large, you’ll want to use a smaller font size on Mobile!

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Aha :slight_smile: Thx!

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