This is the issue I’m having:
I have 3 sitemaps uploaded at the root of my site:
Each is a different code.
#2 (sitemap_frenchlinensonline.xml) is produced by the sitemap add-on (loghount sitemap). It has all of pages files as set up by me inside of that sitemap add-on.
*My guess is that the other 2 (#1 & #3) are produced by Rapidweaver. Both files get uploaded to the server if the option “Generate Search Engine Sitemap” (the native Rapidweaver sitemap) is turned on/ or off - same result, I tried both ways (upload was done after I deleted all of those sitemaps files from the server. *
The problem is that #1 (sitemap.xml) is a short file, it only shows certain pages of my website - the top horizontal menu (pages that are: contact, about us, policies), but not the left side vertical menu where all the products are.
#3 file (sitemap_index.xml) is this:
`* <sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9”>*`
My question is:
Is it OK to have all 3 uploaded? (For google search - I did have the issue Google “not indexing” all my pages that are not the “top menu”), I submitted all pages one by one manually on google console.
I suppose that since the file #2 (sitemap_frenchlinensonline.xml) is the one that fully shows all of my website, it’s the one that I want Google to look at?
So my thinking was that if I delete the other from the server, turn of the native Rapidweaver sitemap, upload again, I will end up having only #2 file on the server. But as I mentioned above, it did not work, all 3 above files are back again on the server after the re-upload.
Please advise
Thank you in advance,
Natasha Touchinski
my site is frenchlinensonline.com