Need help changing font size and placing logo into theme's banner

Hi there,

The theme I’m referring to is Laxis from Multithemes.
I’m trying to figure out a way to adjust the size and placement of the text inside the banner and also would like to insert a logo into the banner area. I can’t find this info in the included documentation.

I’m just starting out the project so don’t have a link to send but provided the theme’s url above.

Thank you!

Hi @DurhamX
Make sure you fill out the info in the General Settings (Title, Slogan, Footer, etc.) and have the Title checked.
Also in General Settings, you have to place your logo under Site Logo.
The alignment of your title is taken care of in the Inspector’s Style tab.
Hope this helps.

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I don’t have the theme but if you can’t find a setting for it then you will probably need some custom CSS.

It’s always biggest to provide a URL to at least a test page and a better idea of what exactly you are looking to change. General terms like “ size and placement of the text inside” makes it hard to give you code without knowing where you want what placed and which text.


I have Laxis from Multithemes. Make sure you have your website Title typed in the General Settings and the box checked. Then go to the Inspector, click the Style tab, then scroll down to [+] combo options, you will see various settings for Layout that you can toggle on or off. One of them is Layout: Title Centered – if this is unchecked, I think the Title and Slogan are displayed right-justified in the banner.

For the logo, make sure you have the image for your site logo in the General Settings. If you do, the the logo should appear in the default position on the upper left corner of the banner.

Really appreciate the help.
Would you know if there was a way of moving/enlarging the logo and adjusting the size of the title/slogan?
Perhaps it needs custom CSS as Doug mentioned above?

Yes, @teefers is right. You can use custom CSS. Also, perhaps provide the URL?

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