Need help with my project to revamp my homepage

Hi all Rapidweaver Gurus!
I would like to refurbish my website and have got some bits and pieces but I am not a pro, I am a Doc. I am now doing a little career change and also want to build up my coaching business. I have pages that I have built myself some time ago but would like to revamp them and add some spice. The problem is that I am too intensely involved with some clinical work to fight Covid and I am also doing two courses and can’t find time to experiment. Another issue is that I can’t understand the host’s lingo, for example, I tried to build a contact form but due to some framework, it did not work. What I want is to get some help/developing time from one of you to build a page with building blocks I have so that I can carry on updating the site myself. The building blocks I have at the moment are Transmit for file transfer, Rapidweaver 8.7, I have Foundry and Alloy 2.2.1, 1LD Affero and stacks, some Elixir themes and some plugins (YourHead Accordion). I do have Stripe for payments and paid zoom accounts and I work using Calendly for my bookings. So that’s the environment. I want to launch a podcast later this year, have got the domain for this. The purpose of my homepage would be to sell my consulting services and coaching Anyone who could help me with that work?

Hi Thomas,

I’m willing to help you out. Is Alloy a must have to rebuild your site? I work around Foundry with Potion and Thunder and have a lot of other stacks as well, not Alloy though. Can I take a peek of what you made so far?


My recent Foundry & Alloy project, Paris, might be of interest to you.

It’s a fully functioning project with a great Alloy blog included. Just adapt to suit, publish and you’re up and running, for €19.

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