Proficient RapidWeaver 8 developer needed for project

Looking for a developer that’s available to assist with a responsive landing page with a form and a couple linked pages.

The project has been started using RW8, Foundry theme and stacks, plus some additional third party stacks.

If interested, please message me with some example sites built in RW and your rate.

@ryanbsmith @Dave @LaPan @zeebe

Thanks for the heads up @Aaron, but teaching full time now and have no time.

Hi, where are you located?

Hi Jan,

Located on the east coast of the US, but this project is open to remote freelancers. DM me if you’re interested. We’ll be contacting applicants soon.


Did you find a good developer here? If not, where did you turn? I’m looking for someone for a project now.

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I would be interested in a conversation about your project needs.

Unfortunately, I didn’t find anyone to contract for the project at the time I needed it. I ended up just doing it myself. My biggest hurdle was making it responsive. It’s a very manual and time-consuming process with RapidWeaver.

I hope you find somebody who can help you out.
