Neues deutschsprachiges Forum / New german forum

I don’t see any dev forums on my side. Have never seen any. So not sure what you mean there.

… certainly, as moderator I have acces to other areas as the visitors.

I understand that, yes, but we are talking about the forums areas where ALL USER and ALL DEVELOPERS should see the same, why should they not. Yes, I know of the Gold Forum area that you have to be a gold member to get access too, not talking about that. Talking about all forum areas that regular users should see.

I did log out and then I saw that forum link, so something is blocking me from seeing it as I never unpinned it. Wonder how many other users do not see this forum??

I agree, all should see the same. I know nothing about different views for different visitors.

I do not know what is the reason for this.
But the thread has a lot of views, so many see this pinned thread (1.8k) I think.

Dieser ganze Thread wurde von Realmac hierhin ins deutschsprachige Forum gezügelt.
Ich denke, das ist gut so. Somit können wir doch auch immer wieder mal etwas in Englisch lesen :wink:

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