Bought it 2 days ago during the launch promo. It looks promising at first sight. Maybe I find some time to play with it in the coming weeks. I am curious how it compares to Foundation and Foundry.
I bought this as well, following reading a bit about it on another forum. It looks very simple, which it is, but first impressions are also misleading, as there are tons of features just below the surface, just waiting to be discovered. Not Foundation, or Foundry, but something to consider if you are just starting out with Rapidweaver, or have only used individual themes before. The way it is set up means that the learning curve is shallow and it is possible to produce a decent site without fiddling too much with the settings. As a version 1.0.0 this is very promising.
I didn’t know much about this so had a look at the Bulma website and saw the tiles element that looks interesting - for creating cool grid layouts but I can’t see them in the Platform docs so I was wondering if there are any plans to add them?
From watching the video, I must say Platform looks really intuitive.
@Ironman: I developed a Tiles stack for Platform but decided not to publish it yet because its behaviour was confusing. I will include it as soon as it’s ready for prime-time
@jay at first glance (having gone through your videos) this looks pretty much like Foundation. Not trying to be critical, but: what is the advantage of your take on a free-form layout system? Why should I chose Platform instead of Foundation?
Font control is probably one noticeable difference between Foundation and Platform. You need to buy Font Pro (or similar) separately to achieve the same thing in Foundation that I can achieve in Platform without any additional purchases. Vice versa the Platform contact form is basic but the Foundation one is a lot more flexible and has a few more advanced options.
One of the interesting extras in Platform is definitely the new Tile layout, think it’ll take a little bit of getting used to but definitely an interesting new addition.
It’s very much a case of finding the framework that fits your needs We really need a comparison of them all lol, especially with the arrival of Platform, the upgrade of Uikit to v3 and Foundation 2 coming soon.
@jay I’m starting to play around with Platform and it’s very interesting, unfortunately one stack incompatibility that’s stopping me from using it on my site but I’ll contact you about that directly. Your introductory video is good but it could maybe show off a bit more, I feel that Platform has a lot more too it, hidden under the hood so to speak. A few more videos on the basics of layout and the stacks you could use to achieve it would be handy, and sometimes the names and descriptions are not always intuitive.
I will definitively create more videos - someone posted somewhere that a picture says more than a 1000 words and a video says more than 1000 pictures
I agree that some of the names are not really intuitive, take PowerBar for example… I was thinking of creating some kind of overview which quickly shows which stack to use for what purpose…
also quite happy with platform. Only thing to wish are more options in the menu aka powerbar.
When having subpages sometimes it’s better/nicer that the “main” page is not linkable because people only see the opening submenu and will go/link there.
I did a workaround in creating (empty) offsite pages (link as #) and putting the pages within these.
But a “correct” solution to make the main titles not linkable within power bar or any other working menu stack would be much appreciated.
Example is here
(ignore the bugs, still struggling with some settings of my provider…)
The option to remove links from parent menu items has already been implemented in the Quickmenu and Sidebar stacks. I have also done a quick test in Powerbar and the feature will be available there as well with the next maintenance release.