Poster Stack and Easy CMS work together?

Hi - I’m looking to create a case study type of main page that then links through to individual case study pages much like a portfolio setup. I’m interested in the Poster Stack but does anyone know if this can be used with Easy CMS?


It should work as there isn’t anything complicated from a CMS point of view in the Poster content which is just normal content.

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Hi Gary - great… I’ll give it a go. Any tips on doing it as I’m a bit of a newbie to RapidWeaver? Many thanks

I would say there is a fair bit to learn if you are new to RapidWeaver. Setting up a CMS system in Poster is fairly advanced but certainly possible if you take it all stage by stage. I would tackle EasyCMS first and setup some page content that you can edit remotely.

Hi - sounds like a plan. I’ve come over from Freeway Pro and RW is quite a different setup but seems to have endless possibilities. I’ll give EastCMS a go and then see if I can integrate it as you suggest. Thanks for you help