RapidWeaver 8.1 Public Beta 6 (Build 20356b)

Is there a way to turn off the sounds in Simulator, if not then can you please provide a setting in Preferences.



8.1 is working very nicely for me. The only glitch I’m noticing is with snippets. If I go to use a snippet, using Mojave, then the snippet text is in black on a very dark background. I can still copy/paste a snippet but I literally can’t see the content of it until pasted somewhere outside the snippet area.

This could be error on my part in terms of some setting, but if not then it’s a glitch to be fixed.

@PaulRussam There’s an option in General preferences to control this, unchecking “Play Sounds” should turn the sounds off.

@Wondrous You should be able to choose File -> Export Site to export to a local folder. Another option is to add a “Local Folder” publishing destination.

@Mathew Thanks, I’ll check into that!

That would kill all sounds including the important publishing/export complete, it’s just the unnecessary Simulator sounds that I’d like off.
Is it really necessary to audibly inform me I’ve clicked a button that I’m consciously clicking? and … after hearing it 20 times as I change between settings it really starts to grate.

Yeah ok, I’ll see if we can improve on that :+1:

The point is that in previous versions of the program it was not necessary to go to the export settings to save the site in a local folder. And now the developers have added extra actions.

Sorry, I’m not sure I follow. Which export settings are you referring to?

If I choose File -> Export Site, RW asks for a destination folder and performs an export. If I set up a publishing destination I can publish to a local folder just by clicking the Publish button.

File > Export Site. In versions 6 and 7 after that, the local folder selection window opened, then saving the site in this folder. In version 8, many dialogues began to appear, for example:

Oh ok, these are purposefully shown to help prevent problems when deploying your site. All sites should now be using HTTPS otherwise it will affect search engine rankings. If you have a correctly configured website address they don’t appear.


Not having any http sites I’ve not seen that … Nice addition to RW8.


Hi, I’m using Foundry and the stack Table (CSV) in 8.1 it crashes when I go to Resources to select the CSV file. This was a smaller issue in 7 as it would only show the first few Resources but I can’t use it at all in 8.1. Don’t know if it is a 8.1 issue or Foundry.

I downloaded your last version it will not open/install.
I had some problems uploading sitemap.xml



@dan I have an RW8 project in which I’m putting the blog photos into the Social Tags area of the individual blog post (leaving the corresponding image field blank for the page). I put the photos in the correct box, but when I quit and reopen, RW has only saved some of the images in the social tag image field and not others. Can’t figure out a pattern about ones that aren’t being saved.

Is that the issue that 8.1b6 is addressing?

Who can say why in the new version of the program the input field (CSS, JavaScript and other) moves left and right? Why is this done? This is inconvenient and in previous versions did not notice this.

Example - https://cl.ly/6a74b680b7b3

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