Rapidweaver 8 Banner

I have just purchased Rapidweaver 8 and using the ‘Future’ theme.

When I publish all is OK other than the banner image at the top does not show when published.

It shows OK when in Rapidweaver and the image is in the resources.


Welcome to RapidWeaver,

Have tried with a different browser or clearing the browser’s cache?
Could you provide a URL to the published site?

I just ran a quick test and it the future theme appears to allow me to change the banner, and publish OK.

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Which format is your image? Which browser? Clearing the browsers cache as suggested could be the solution, also HOW you set up your browser preferences for your cache could prevent future confusion :wink:

Hi Guys.

I am using Chrome and the URL is: http://kitguitarbuilders.uk/

There are only a few test pages but you should see my problem.


Just tried Safari and it still does not work.

Any suggestions Guys otherwise I will give up on this and go back to Rapidweaver 7 after wasting my money yet again.

It looks like the background image


looks like its Loading, but it appears to be only 16x16 px?

Try a different image.



Thank you - it worked.


Out of interest, are you David Oddy the guitar builder who makes many of the instruments that Steve and Phil use?


I do not know ‘Steve and Phil’.

Of interest though I am not the David Oddy who is based in the West Country, UK but I did used to make solid body Guitars when living in France.

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A different DO then. Best of luck with the site.


Yes, you should be able to do this with custom CSS. The theme uses different sizes depending on the breakpoint (screen size). Assuming you are talking about the title area (h1):


you know you can do it …

The current settings are:

Starting with XS the hero Title is 42px
SM Size ≥ 576px screens the text is set at 54px
MD size ≥ 768px its set to 64px

To override try adding the following CSS:

/* XS screens(ALL) size */
h1.hero-title {
    font-size: 35px;
/* SM screens and Up */
@media (min-width: 576px) {
    h1.hero-title {
        font-size: 44px;
/* MD screens and Up */
@media (min-width: 768px) {
    h1.hero-title {
        font-size: 54px;

You can change the px sizes to anything you want.

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