on my project I just renamed the folders (page3, page4, …) to have meaningful names like page3 -> products, page4 -> services, …
The problem now is that these folders “page3” still exists on my host (beside the newly created “products” AND in the new folder “products” the subfolder “files” ist missing. It looks that files are still uploaded to the previous folder “page3”.
The folder “files” contains the images, css and JavaScript files of that particular webpage.
Consequently such a webpage has missing pictures and the design will be wrong (because there is no CSS files to load) when viewed in a browser.
Question is: how do I have to proceed to have RW uploading the things as they should be? I don’t want to start from point zero.
when you rename the folder and or file everything in RW is updated to the new name, including links to the page that are located on other pages, etc. The new css files, etc are also all uploaded to the new. You can delete the old folder and it’s contents manually via FTP or whatever tool your host provides (control panel editor). Remember that when you rename folders and files any “outside” links coming into your site will be broken (unless you do 301 forwarding) so plan wisely to avoid renaming…
first I did en Export (to my local harddisk) then I marked all pages as “changed” and afterwards I published the site to my host. When checking the website these “page3, page4” pages didn’t have the pictures and the layout looks wrong.
When checking the files on the host (FTP program) I’ve noticed that there is no folder named “files” within this renamed folders containing the stuff for the particular pages.
It sounds like you are into “smart publishing” issues to me… try exporting to local folder then use ftp to upload and see if that works. Also, have you tried “Publish enter site”?
I don’t know if this is anything similar but I recently had a problem where ‘reload all files’ or smart publishing feature loaded all right all the needed files to the server. Problem was that it didn’t have any change to how web page looked, no matter what changes I made and how many times I published project file.
First, it looked like cache problem with the browser, then perhaps with a backup file on server but that wasn’t the case.
At the end, the problem was at the server end. Somehow live server folder files and testing folder files of the same project got mixed that caused this to happen. The solution was to remove old files and a new path for a folder.