RW 7.01 Images not showing in preview

On one page (Australian) of my site ( only 23 of the images are showing whereas there are over 80 or 90 on the website which I published using RW6 - I can see all the image files (thumb and actual) in a folder on the Mac. How can I store them into the RW7 page. I am using Gallery to display them.

For ‘store’ please read ‘restore’

To clarify… There are the correct images on the Web server but not showing in my Mac in the Gallery page. It seems that the link to the images has failed. I can see the images in the Finder and to try to correct the problem imported them into Images in RW

Perhaps you’ve already fixed this, but I can see 93 images (not 23) on that page…

Rovertek - Thanks - all solved now. Don’t know why I lost the images but I went to the published site and copied the images back to the Mac and then reconstructed the page.

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