RW 8.1.6 - Show Projects Window/Recents files issues

Hello, as with previous versions of RW, the working files of RW are not referenced in the “Open recent” menu, nor in the window “Welcome to RapidWeaver” (Show Projects Window).
Is this a limitation imposed by the system (as far as I am concerned, Mojave 10.14.3)? …

TIP: I took a look at the RW application resources: HD Macintosh -> Applications -> RapidWeaver 8 -> Contents -> Resources -> Templates
I found the 5 templates provided with the application: Artful, Engineer, Mountains, Future and Climate.
If we delete these 5 files, they do not appear anymore in the “Welcome to RW - Examples” window.

Question: If I set the alias of one of my RW files in this Templates folder, why does RW send me an error message: “Unsaved RapidWeaver 8 Document 4” could not be released because RapidWeaver 8 can not open files in the " Finder Document “format.”? … Could the developers of RW not make this manipulation possible for our greater comfort? …

Since the window “Welcome to RW” ALWAYS opens on the “Examples” (I do not need any examples), and never on “Recent” (I need more quick access to my own files), I would find it very convenient to find something to launch all my working files RW …

What do you think ?..

: Wink:

[edit]This manipulation does not work, whether with an alias or with a symbolic link: what a pity![/edit]

Just make an alias and add it to your Dock (all the regular daily / weekly sites I need access to are in my dock as per pic)

Hello, yes, I do the same thing as you … and as the files are all visually identical in the Dock (as on your screenshot), I customize with a different icon … which is not very convenient… :wink:

Why not make a folder for your doc and put them in there.

If you create a std folder somewhere sensible and fill it with aliases of the docs you can then pin that folder to your dock.
I have my most used apps in the dock and then folders with aliases of other apps related to a subject, here’s a shot of my ‘web’ apps dock folder open:

XMenu ( is also a very useful tool (free)

Hello and thank you all for all your contributions (already known and sometimes implemented): they correspond to various launcher techniques. But my post was mainly a question to know if you had, you, access to your files via the RW application itself, either by the menu, or by the window “Welcome to RW”: is it the case on your machines? …
And then, I also wanted to absolutely find a utility or a hack to these two functions that do not work (have they already worked? …) on my iMac …: neutral_face:

A quick search here for the word ‘recent’ would have netted you a number of replies, here’s what I wrote last time something similar was asked: Rapidweaver 8 - no "recent files" view and another reply for 2017: Updated to 7.2.1 - Project has vanished and another RapidWeaver 8.1 Final Candidate 2 (Build 20502b)

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Thank you so much.

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