RW elements upgrade?

I’ve just received the email with a “special 2 day only early bird offer” to upgrade to RW classic.

I’m in a position where it would be perfectly practical to move to RW elements - I have a simplistic website & plans for more complexity later…

Will there be a similar upgrade offer to move to elements?

I’m not asking for guarantees, just guidance about which way to go

Yes, of course. We’ll be offering discounts for all RapidWeaver users that want to purchase/upgrade to RapidWeaver Elements.

However, RapidWeaver Elements is not due until later this year. Upon launch, it will be in beta for some time. So for now, we’d say it’s safest to go with RW Classic if you have any projects that you need to start soonish.

Hope that helps.

As usual, instant upgrade. I started weaving again after a very long time. I needed some time and inspiration to do that. But I found what I needed.

Thanks again after all those years :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, and it’s great you’ve been weaving for so many years :relaxed:

Here’s to many more years of weaving!

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