What version of RW 5 are you running? Not sure but if I understand what’s going on for you. The other post of yours said RW4, so it sounds like you’re going through the update process outlined here?
Is it at the intermediate step at RW5 you’re having the problem?
The other post shows a blank screen RW7 not RW5, and you mentioned crash, did something like RW5 crash?
From the article above you need to go through RW5.4.1 with your project, before going to RW7, what happens when you try 5?
One thing to note about switching from RW 5 to RW 7. If you are using plugin pages made by 3rd party developers, BE SURE to update to the latest version. Also, many developers have left since RW 4 and 5 so maybe there is no update for that plugin type, then the page would have to be remade. You have hundreds of pages, but what page types are they? Are they stacks? Styled Text? 3rd Party Dev pages?? Might help if we know this.
I have no clue what they are, how can I tell? I’m happy to provide any information required. This is my father-in-law’s site and I’ve never used RW, I’m just trying to help him.
or support@realmacsoftware.com
and ask for help, they would have ideas on how to convert it. I know Brian gave you a link in the other thread, but it sounds like you have tried that and it does not work.
Good luck!