Screen Saver type stack- Hide content show Other content

MovingBox21 seems to work fine.

@joeworkman and/or @tav, any ideas why Impact wouldn’t be working?

@brandon, The orbit slider seems to work so I can just use that one I think

@swilliam, that is an awesome use case! I’m glad I can help move the ball along.

What is your deadline for the project?

@tav lol!!!

I expected nothing less.

I’ll look at ththe HTML tags and see how I managed that.

I already knew I was going to be screwing the CSS and am planning on fixing that.

I simply went with the quickest solution (for me) so as to simply have a proof of concept.

The JS is a product of a copy and past job arou d midnight. I didn’t think the logic made sense, but figured it works for the sake of a 0.0.1 beta

It is certainly possible to do it with impact but firing a reveal modal is unnecessary and undesirable

A much better approach would just be to put it in a container stack that changes its visibility and z-index when required to appear.

I would also seriously advise you not to use the stack on live pages until the issues I mentioned above are resolved , particularly the JS ones The foundation document initialize is done in the theme - it does not need re-calling, certainly not in a timer loop.

copy and pasting - wrists slapped

Anyway you were supposed to be still shut in that closet - I never said to come out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You never said I couldn’t be ing my MBA into the closes either. :smile:


@Brandon I have another week or so, I’m a volunteer so they don’t pick on me to much lol

I am stuck on my mobile but all you need to do is:
Put impact in a cssbox with 2 classes of ss and hidden (enter them with a space in between in the cssbox settings)



So all we need to do remove the class hidden when we want th impact to appear as a screen saver.

and add it back when the mouse is moved.

Simple as hell and no reveal modal nastiness.

@BrandonCorlett the JS will work to add and remove the class of you just get rid of the foundation stuff in the timer function.


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Lol my favorite games are the ones where I take x amount of moves to get a ball down the field and then @tav comes in as the quarterback and throws a Hail Mary.

I get a good workout/learn what not to do and in the end we win the game. :smile:

Thanks @tav I’ll give that a go tonight. :slightly_smiling:

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You guys rock!

The rest of the 20 characters are in this line, lol

@BrandonCorlett did you make any headway? Curiosity is killing me lol. dId @Tav let you out of the closet? :grinning:

Still in the closet, but I found a road flare and @tav slipped some bread under the door.

Once I’ve figured out how to light a road flare to make toast I’ll post an update in regards to the original post :slightly_smiling:

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That sounds good… If only you could get him to slide a slice of cheese under there.

@BrandonCorlett and @tav,
I cobbled something together that works, but the Impact stack will NOT work when inside of the JW links Stack. So using the foundation orbit stack for now.
You can see the sandbox test here:
I’m sure there is probably a better way to do it.
Please let me know if I am heading for trouble the way I did it.


Are you launching it in a separate page because that’s just the way that stack works or do you need to do it for tracking purposes?

If you mean the ads, I figured that if I use a seperate page it might be easier to keep track of which ads go with witch kiosks, and eventually make it a cms page so they can change them. probably wouldn’t really matter in the long run. I have no clue how to make it a stack, I used @willwood builder stack, but since there are no longer user stacks I just did a partial.

I think I can get impact to work by using a button on the ads page but I would rather it work if they tap anywhere. Impact won’t work inside the link stack.

I’m quite sure there is a better way to do it and I’m all ears if you have one :grinning:.
I’m not out of the woods yet, because it doesn’t reset the timer when scrolling on an iPad :confused:

Lol, I can make a stack, but making one that works well is a different story.

Implementing straight code is way simpler than making a stack.

I can’t take credit for this solution, but here is what is recommended if You want to use Impact.

With Impact in a cssbox with the class .impact-ss

var s_saver;

$('body').mousemove(function() {

    s_saver = setTimeout(function(){
    }, 60000);



As for the stack I'm building; I'm going to keep working on it because I think it is a cool idea. I've even cleaned up the bundle of bugs that Tav pointed out. 

However, for right now it seems to be very unreliable. It will work just fine and then all of a sudden It won't. This is why we pay other people to make stacks :slightly_smiling:

In regards to the link working with Impact I would use Impacts "Foreground Content" option. Then  Put the Link stack with stack inside of it to give it 100% height and width. This can be done with @joeworkman's [Jack]( stack.

If I happen to get the Screen Saver stack working well I will send you a PM with the details so you can test it out. :slightly_smiling:

Ok, thank you @BrandonCorlett, I will mess some more, when I get a few mins.
Yes please do pm me if you come up with a stack
Do you have any insight as to how to detect school on touch device to reset timer?

I would do a google hunt for the touch equivalent of $('body').mousemove(function() { clearTimeout(s_saver);

Try googling something like jQuery + Touch Event