“Smart” Publishing — RW Blog Plugin vs. Poster Stack?

Last winter, we built a simple, standalone blog site using the RW Blog Plugin:

Central Oregon Geographica

Each blog article has several photos, maps and PDF downloads (from Resources). After upgrading to RW 7.5 this summer, we somehow lost the “smart” publishing feature. Any small update to the site now re-publishes ALL of the previous blog articles, including all the photos and PDF download files. Despite several weeks of trying, we haven’t been able to resolve this publishing issue.

As a result, we’re considering rebuilding the entire site with Poster Stack this coming winter. We’ve recently purchased this stack and are just getting acquainted with it. As we are RW amateurs, Poster Stack seems to fit our needs nicely, without the complications of learning Total CMS, Armadillo, etc.

Our question: Have users of Poster Stack experienced any similar “smart” publishing issues with their blog sites? Any insights or ideas appreciated.

I believe that since you are using categories and archives RW will publish every blog page. I don’t think that RW keeps track of new/changed categories so it must publish every page in case there is a change in categies. Perhaps someone else can verify this.

But why is publishing all pages an issue? I only see 8 pages in the 2017 archive and surely those don’t take long to upload (publish.)

As info… If your blog is going to be growing… I would certainly look for another blog option simply because the RW Blog plugin is so limited…

As you mentioned, our blog will be growing, so we are looking at the years ahead. Our plan is to research and write 10-15 blog articles per year, with about 5 years of blog posts already in the preliminary research stage. So we should soon have 60-70 detailed blog articles, each with several photos and PDF download files.

We’re hoping that Poster Stack will get us on a better growth path for the future. But before we go to the trouble of rebuilding our site, we’d first like to hear from any Poster Stack users about their experience with “smart” publishing — or any other issues with this relatively new blog stack. Thank you.

Hi, I am using Poster stack and it does not - for me - republish all files. Just the page with the Poster stack.

But I wanted to separate blog and website design. So, for a new project I chose RW Writer (https://rwwriter.com) to distinguish between my site building (Rapid Weaver) and my Blog. I can write new blog articles and they are instantly visible on my site without touching Rapidweaver at all.

Next to RW Writer, there are other similar solutions like Armadillo etc. but I found RW Writer best suited to my needs. Yours may differ.

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As Poster Stack is a Stacks Plugin page, only the changed content needs to be published. In Poster Stack case, this is the main PHP file. As e.g. all archives are generated on the fly on the server, no additional files have to be published.

10-15 posts per year are “peanuts” for Poster Stack itself (1000 blog posts are generated in 25sec). I recommend to use basic text stacks inside, which will be faster for export than 3rd party header/paragraph stacks with a lot of settings. Poster Stack provides a lot of CSS customization settings itself (more I can add on request). Images - as always - should be warehoused.

Of course some of the hundreds of Poster Stack users are able to jump in and comment :wink:


^^^ Thank you, Jannis. We are looking forward to learning how to use Poster Stack. At first blush, it appears to have a fairly short learning curve, and all the built-in CSS customization options are a definite plus. Though we are amateurs, we love using RapidWeaver and appreciate that Poster Stack now provides a new blog alternative for us to build upon for the future. Thanks!

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