Trying to align / center two colums

I have my logo centered over the page description which makes life very easy. But the client has asked that I have them both on the same line. I cant for the life of me figure out how to do this so that they are equally centered and spaced on all pages obviously the page titles vary in length … Im using column stacks within Foundry.
I dont think it will look very good anyway, but …is it possible to do? Here is test link

Could probably do it using BWD’s HeaderPro - Badge Images.

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Thanks I’ll give it a try

Yes HeaderPro can do this or you could use the Foundry Media stack. Alternatively, you could us a Foundry Container to control the width of logo and text, and inside that, use a 2 Col stack with the logo in one side and the text in the other, and select Eq Heights and also Vert Centre.


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