I want to make sure I fully understand how to create a 301 Redirect.
My understanding is that I can manage this completely within the RapidWeaver interface and do not need to do anything outside of RapidWeaver to make this happen.
I found the dialog box for editing .htaccess files in the Publishing Setup.
The dialog is a bit sparse for instructions how to do this.
Assume that I have an original URL that reads: xyzcustomcabinets.com/cabinet_accessories.html.
If I want to rename this page to “gizmos” would I simply type the following text into the dialog box:
Redirect 301 /xyzcustomcabinets.com/cabinet_accessories.html /xzycustomcabinets.com/gizmos/
Is it any more complex than that? If anybody can recommend a tutorial video about redirects I would appreciate it greatly.