Typography not showing as expected

RapidWeaver Elements b27 (23161)
I have a list of links blue colour then red when hovered and pink when visited
when published the pc version works ok but my iPhone and I pad show the ones I opened ages ago as pink but the ones I click on now just stay as the unvisited colour ie blue and red…and dont change to pink.

Sounds like it could just be a browser bug/issue… Do you have a link to the page we can view?

you might be right…safari on iPad and iPhone does not show visited pages but google works


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Safari on Mac works seems to work just great, I visit three of the links…

yes on my Mac works ok…im talking iPhone and iPad I did say on original post works ok on the pc. I call my Mac pc hahaha

Yes, I still think it’s a browser issue… and not Elements… Will check it on my iPad later if I get a moment.

I sent little video. yes your probably right but weird cos iPad and iPhone are safari…ok when I typed it into google search bar…thanks for looking tho

It seems to be working OK on my iPhone (iOS 18.2) and iPad (iOS 18.2)?