Typography not working as it should

first one as in editor 2nd one when published…was working alright in beta 17
ummmm it seems ok if I just copy and paste until I want to change either the font or size??? after doing so even if I erase all the text and re paste it still goes wrong so I have to delete the component and add it again

bottom part of this page is where I havent altered anything just copied and pasted.

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Can you share a copy of the project, or more specifically this page so we can test it here and find out what’s going on?


on the home page the typo component ive changed to a google font the other sections ive altered nothing just copied and pasted from the original MYC Page

have I shared this correctly
the spaces show in the editor but not in preview or when published

Perfect, thanks for the document and we’ve figured out what’s going on (and have also shipped an update, so now your text will look the same in the editor as it does in preview :sweat_smile:

I’ve recorded a video for you that explains a little better how things should be setup. Hope to helps.

brilliant video ta…I understand I obviously created start but was wondering why you dont put just one in the theme studio t get us going then maybe a bit easier for us to work out whats going on…just an idea

Yes, they’ll be some pre-built styles for each theme that will be included —‚ we just ran out of time this week. The plan is to get them in next week along with more big fixes and other goodies!

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One observation I have of the Typography component is that it is very sensitive to the source of text that has been copied and pasted into it.

For example, if I copy text from a Stack in RW and paste it into an Elements typography component, the text can end up being a mess. However, if I first paste it into TextEdit and then organize it the way I want it and paste it I get much better behaved text in the component.

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