uWeather: The ultimate Weather Stack is back again

The uWeather stack was released a long time ago but due to some API changes we had to remove it from our portfolio - until today. We received many customer asking for an update as it is by far the best weather stack they ever used for Rapid Weaver. The update is free for all users who purchased the stack after 2014 and they should receive the download link in a mail during the next few hours.

We have made many changes to this stack and even found a way to use it on HTTPS-enabled web sites using a proxy script (with PHP). We trashed the option to include background movies as this was rarely used (and this option alone brought this stack to about 60 MB!). There are also some new options available including one to choose your own background images by an easy drag and drop operation.

Here is a short list of the features of uWeather:

  • Current Weather Condition + 15 day forecast
  • 3 different Layout Modes
  • Customize the widget with your own colors
  • Localized in many languages
  • Use metrics or imperial units
  • Add your own (body) background images for the current weather condition to dynamically change the design of your site.

You can have a look at the uWeather stack here: https://www.rapid-ideas.com/previews/uweather/
More info + purchase: https://gum.co/cncH



Hi, I’ve just bought weather (looks great), but I cannot get the weather icons to appear on the site, they show fine when editing, but after publishing, browsers don’t seem to see them - any pointers ?

Thanks in advance