WeatherEmbed is possibly the only weather stack you need, for displaying weather or climatic information in your RapidWeaver website. It can either reuse information already freely available from online sources or you can link it to your own PWS (personal weather station via WeatherCat or WeatherSnoop apps). Perfect for displaying the latest weather conditions to your website visitors.
Changes in this free update include:
- Support for custom code, like Dark Sky Maps and your own preferred weather widgets / code etc
- You can now embed charts, data and instrument graphics from WeatherSnoop (via its REST API). See this PDF for further details
- Added support for static webcam images; like the ones generated and uploaded by software like EvoCam
- WeatherEmbed can be configured to automatically refresh / reload the page after a predetermined time
- Rewritten some of the setup information, displayed in edit mode
- Updated some meta data and support links within the stack
- Other minor changes, improvements, compatibility fixes etc.
An embedded Dark Sky Maps temperature chart:
An embedded temperature chart generated from a PWS and WeatherSnoop:
If you find WeatherEmbed useful in your projects, please don’t forget to make a small contribution here.