Weather widget will not display

Hello, Please help!

I’ve tried getting a weather widget to display on my web site but it does not work for some reason.

I use RW6 (6.3.4), Stacks 3, The “Venture 3” theme by Michael David Design and I am so stumped by this!

I’ve used a weather widget in the past and it worked but this new one does not.

I would use a simple text stack, paste the code into the stack, highlight the code and apply ‘Ignore formatting’ to the code and vola! the widget would display.

Here is an example of the old code that worked;

<iframe marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="wxButtonFrame" id="wxButtonFrame" height="150" src="" align="top" frameborder="0" width="180" scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Following the same rules as I did for the old code, here is the new weather widget code that does not work!

<iframe title="Environment Canada Weather" width="287px" height="191px" src="//;lang=e" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Anyone have a suggestion that might help to get my weather widget to display?
Thanks for listening!

Try the following:

<iframe title="Environment Canada Weather" width="287px" height="191px" src=";lang=e" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Both your old code and new code seem to work just fine for me. I inserted into a Markdown stack. Will work just as well with HTML. (In both cases the advantage is you don’t have to remember to do the “ignore formatting” extra step). The problem with your new code, I believe, is that it won’t preview in RW. That’s because it’s missing the beginning “http://” bit. (See Will’s reply above.) But if you publish the page then all is fine.

Hi Willwood,

Your code example worked! Thank You very much. You ROCK!

Hi Matthew,

Wildwood’s code worked!
I never did publish it to see it to see if the widget just showed up or not.
In the past the old widget code showed up fine in preview mode, no need to publish.
Will’s code example worked in preview mode, no need to publish. Which is nice to have.
Thanks Matthew!

HI Guys,

I hope you don’t mind me cutting in on your thread, but i have a similair problem of a weather stack not working after recent updates.
I’m using the Uweather stack and for some unknown reason it’s just not showing anymore, i’ve tried contacting the developer on a couple of occasions this week but to date no response.

Has anyone had similair problems, and can someone point out to me where stacks are stored now?? i"l running El capitain and can’t find the stack to try to relaunch/reinstall.

Heres a screnshhot if that helps as the site has not been launched yet.

Any help would be much appreciated, or if not pushing me in the right direction.

Many thanks



Without a link to your test site, unfortunately there’s not much anybody can do to help you. It’s like asking a mechnic to fix your car without lifting the hood! In the absence of a link, you’ll probably have to start troubleshooting this yourself and look in the browser web developer console to see what error messages (if any) are being shown.

Stacks are stored where they’ve always bene stored in RW6, and that is within your addons folder. Easily accessible via the RW addon manager. With the Manage Addons window open from the File menu, simply right-click the addon icon and from the menu choose to view it in Finder. However unless a stack is marked as generic ‘template’ in edit mode, then the stack in question is probably installed correctly.

If you want to change direction and use a different stack then it looks like the free WeatherEmbed stack I’ve provided through my website for a couple of years will work much the same for you. It’s also pulling data in from and has been updated a couple of times. Lots of people use it and no one has reported any El Capitan related issues to me.

Other than that, you might have to await a reply from the stack developer. It’s quite possible he might be on holiday or similar.

Hi Will,

Many thanks for getting back, much appreciated.

Yes i realised after posting that it would be a bit difficult to look at the problem without a link, but thanks for the reponse anyway, i think i’ll hang on until chris responds before taking it any further.

I’ve looked at your link too concerning the WeatherEmbed stack and this looks superb, i’ve downloaded and installed it and it’s pretty cool, i’ve been over to the site and had a look around but would like to ask you if you know of a way to change the days from English to French, as i’m working on a French site at the moment, if not i’ll contact them.

Once again many thanks for your time, much appreciated.

All the best
