WEB SITE SECURITY with javascript libraries

Hello guys, I did perform a web grader test and the result said that the security of my website have to be improved on javascript libraries, same even on all the other website made with rapid weaver.
Any suggestions?

There are thousands of ”web testers” of different types and reliability out there. Without knowing what test you are using, and what pages you are testing it’s impossible to say what you are seeing.

The screenshot you posted doesn’t help much, no details and the usual arbitrary score.

It’s implying that an outdated Javascript library is involved in their score. RapidWeaver itself doesn’t use any Javascript libraries, but themes and third-party stacks and other addons often do.

So without more information about what test you are using, what library or libraries they have issues with, and what page(s) you are testing it’s hard to provide many suggestions.

It will be hard to improve that result with RapidWeaver. Stacks devs load libraries because their stacks need them to execute given functionality. For any library, you could load it from a source like Cloudflare, which is NOT to says that devs load scripts from unsafe sources, and you could use CSPs and nonces to block any changed scripts from loading. You can’t really control that stuff yourself though, and several stacks use inline JS.

If there’s an offending script, you can replace the stack with something else, but…

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