What is a Theme?

I have no idea what a Theme is, or how to use it!
Where can I find answers? Can I make my own Theme?
How do I make a Link to a page, and back?
I have Stack 3, can make a 2 colums page and load pic and txt.
How do I control line spacing in the txt?
Why is there no Manual with Rapidweaver 8?

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I’m new to RW too. A refugee from Freeway. A Theme is like a template that acts to provide a framework for your site. You can make sites without using themes using Foundation or Foundry and Stacks-amounts to making your own. Highlight some text and look at the bottom of the window and click on Link. Add stacks by clicking the plus in the upper left corner-hold down and see what you want like a photo album. If you click on the library you’ll see 2 column stacks. That last question stumps me. You can use a word processor and style the text and paste it into a text stack. Good luck.


To change line spacing in a Stacks page you just look at the page inspector when editing your text and can change line spacing, word spacing, etc.

You never want to copy formatted text or styled text into RW. Always paste as plain text and style it within RW, otherwise you might encounter unwanted behavior due to the pasted in formatting.

In non Stacks pages, like Styled text pages, you can change the line height in the Master Styles settings of the theme, I guess provided the theme has that parameter. Been quite a while since I made a page without stacks, so not entirely sure about that.

Thanks David, I was trying to help and wound up learning something.

Glad it helped Harold, but please see my edit for a caveat about when not using Stacks.

Thank you Harold.
You cleared up a lot.
Which one to have; Foundation or Foundry. That’s the Question!

Thank you David.
I was trying to get a formattet text into the Txt Stack.
I have a big list where I want to have Songtitle in Bold / Composer in Regular or Italics.
It is so easy to do in Excel, I was hoping to get it into RW.
Maybe that is not possible in RW without doing it manually.

To make text bold or italics in Stacks, you highlight the text and use the Style controls on the bottom of the RW main window. I think that is the same for Styled Text pages.

But yeah, you have to do the formatting within RW.

I’m still on RW 7 so not sure if the location of the Style controls are still in the same place on RW 8. Probably they are, but not entirely sure.

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I am trying to put 43 books into RW, with, in all, 743 songtitles/composers. So that is a lot of highlitghting! Maybe there is a table stack I can find to make this easier.

There is a stack called gridiron and there may be others that will basically display a spreadsheet, google sheet or csv file. That may suit you better.


Thank you. I’ll look for that one.

Just wanted to mention that you can also use Cmd-b for Bold and Cmd-i for italics in Stacks. First highlight the text you want to modify, and then use either keyboard shortcut.

Joe Workman has a nice CSV table stack…

Just a small notion, I wish I would have found out this earlier: Option + Cmd + V to paste without dragging styles into project.

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