Which addons are necessary to build a shop?

Hi, I bought Rapidweaver for setting up a shop but I’m not sure which addons I need. I downloaded the demo of RapidCart Pro 4, but do I also need Stacks and a framework like Foundation to be able to have control over the design and layout?

Hi Andy, welcome to RapidWeaver and the Forum,

You will definitely want stacks, although you could get by without it, you would restricted. And if you want to use any of the popular frameworks or other add-ons, you’ll need stacks, anyway.

As for any of the frameworks like Foundation, they’ll give you a lot more flexibility on page layout. You start with a “blank canvas” and allow you to build the pages anyway you like. There is a learning curve with frameworks.

A conventional theme will work fine with RapidCart Pro. They are easier to get going (really no learning other than some settings). They don’t offer the flexibilities a framework offers on things like navigation and most of the frameworks include a lot of stacks (like Sliders, Modals, Columns, Grids, etc.) that are optiumized to work with that framework. You would need to acuire any of those items seperatley with a conventional theme.

For a shop you might have a look at ThemeFloods (@willwood) Boutique. It was optiumized for RapidCart Pro and there’s a free demo version you can play around with to see if it would work for you.


Hi Doug

Thanks for your reply.

I wasn’t sure if the frameworks were an alternative to stacks, but it sounds like they actually build on it. I use a couple of other page builders (Bootstrap Studio and Blocs) so I’m used to being able to edit most of the parameters out of the box. It sounds like stacks will get me up and running and adding a framework will give me the level of control I’m looking for.

I can see the cost staking, as initially, I set out to find a solution for creating an online store without expensive monthly fees, but I appreciate that once I have bought the addons I can use them on other sites, so there’s certainly some value there.

The Boutique theme looks like a good starting point so I’ll download the demo version to see how it works out.

Thanks again, that’s really helped to clarify things.

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Look at Ecwid , it’s the best solution I found for a shop , plus the Ecwid stacks. Easy to set up to.


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