You currently have TLSv1 enabled?

I added SSL to my site, and when checking on, one of the results says “You currently have TLSv1 enabled. This version of TLS is being phased out. This warning won’t break your padlock, however if you run an eCommerce site, PCI requirements state that TLSv1 must be disabled by June 30, 2018.” What should be done? It implies a new version of TSL should be used. I have no clue how to fix this, or if I need to.


That would be something at the server side.
Your hosting company would need to disable older versions of SSL within Apache configuration.


However, this won’t stop the green padlock AFAIK. Certainly, Chrome and Firefox ignore it.

Yes. I Use Yuzool’s Cart 2

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Thanks for the info.

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