Just bought and released a web with Nicks Depth Theme and contacted him because of Google Fonts (the usual suspect) and Social Icons (from an unknown S3 server). Last was especially annoying because I didn’t use any of these “so called social” icons. I’ve now managed to load Google Fonts from my own server and my website is now GDPR compliant: https://ul-fluglehrer.de
If a theme Author doesn’t take GDPR into account, I won’t buy any themes. It’s that simple.
@joeworkman: Ja I am using Foundation with basic Arial font settings (https://jakobssystems.net) and would like to use Google Fonts, but because you’re dynamically linking them with JS vars I have no chance to search and replace something. As feature request: Give us a switch or setting for offline google Fonts please.
UPDATE: just recieved an Mail from Nick: he will add a “no-load” font options and will address this in the next theme update!
UPDATE 2: And Joe, I forgot this discussion about CSP last year. You promised to add better CSP support in future Foundation releases, please do not forget us.
UPDATE 3: As urgent feature request for RW, enable hashing for inline scripts and styles please!