How do I delete a partial? And two more questions

how to delete a partial from the page

the same way you delete any other stack on the page. a partial is no different. just select it and type delete

how to delete a partial from the library

if a partial is still in use within your document somewhere Stacks won’t let it get deleted, but it will let you hide it in the library. select the item in the library and Ctrl-Click (right-click) the item and choose Remove from Library.

what does “Unpack” do

it un-groups the contents of a partial. if you accidentally create a partial, you can unpack it to reverse the operation.

can i select a group of stacks and make a partial

you can create a partial from any stack. that stack and all its children will be put into the partial. if you put all of your stacks into a one-column stack you can create a partial out of the whole bunch of them at once.